The Importance of Hugging for our Health and Everyday Life

Hug. How many times do we need it? How many are them remind us of a unique moment, memories that have been engraved in our memory? A hug is much more than a gesture, it is a precious gift that offers much more to our physical as well as to our mental health.

Stress reduction: Hugging can reduce stress levels and induce relaxation. Hugging activates the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with happiness and well-being. Scientists discovered that this hormone has a strong effect on women. Oxytocin causes a decrease in blood pressure, cortisol, and norepinephrine, which are the stress hormones.

Boosting our immune system: Hugging, like eating healthy and exercising, can potentially boost the immune system and protect us from infections, Carnegie Mellon University researchers have found. The protective effect of hugging may be attributable to the physical contact itself or to the fact that hugging is a behavior that shows support and intimacy.

Lowering blood pressure: And yet it is true! When we hug, cortisol decreases and oxytocin levels increase. Blood pressure is also lowered by a type of pressure receptor in the skin, called Pacinian corpuscles. These are activated after a hug and send signals to the brain that help lower blood pressure.

Creates intimacy and emotional interaction: Hugging is a way of expressing love, sympathy, and support. It can help strengthen relationships between people, fostering trust and unity.

But how many hugs do we really need?

The truth is that it has not been scientifically proven how many are necessary to be healthy. However, psychologist Virginia Satir said: "Hugs are very important: "We need four hugs a day to survive. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day to grow."

