Tahini: The Perfect Substitute To Your Kid's Afternoon Dessert!

It is well known that dessert time is a very important time of day in kids' lives. But what happens when we want to limit sugar consumption without facing daily complaints from them?

A great solution for a nutritious and tasty snack is Tahini!

It is a natural product consisting of 100% ground sesame which is roasted either after being peeled or with its husk (whole-ground).


In addition to its special taste, tahini has many special nutrients that benefit the health of young and old. Specifically, the sesame seeds from which it is made are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These fatty acids boost the growth of nerve tissue in the body, which in turn helps improve brain health. At the same time, tahini is a vegetable source of calcium, which is important for strengthening and maintaining bone density. Sesamin and sesamolin, two polyphenols it contains, help fight inflammation. And since we all need energy every day, it is also important to highlight that tahini is a natural energy boost, which makes it ideal for those who play sports or partake in intense physical activity.

If you are thinking about how to add it to your child's diet, the way is simple. Besides the obvious solution that comes straight from the jar as a spread on bread combined with honey, the Liqui Vites Tahini Spread is the ideal solution for a nutritious and complete snack!

Liqui Vites Tahini Spread with delicious Honey Rings is the snack your child will love and maybe you will also! Unlike other spreads, this one contains 65% tahini and is a complete meal with a high content of protein, fiber, calcium, and essential O-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. You can find it in 4 delicious flavors:

Furthermore, the product has super practical packaging with a spoon that you can put into your child's lunch box or take along with you on an afternoon stroll.

And if the Ligui Vites Tahini Spread makes you feel like a kid, be assured you are not the only one!